Meet the Artist
About Kathleen Merrick
I have returned to my artistic roots, exploring and getting lost in the woods, ocean views, and landscapes of this one beautiful life. I see and feel paintings everywhere. Every image, natural light, sky, cloud, texture, or conversation creates a painting in my mind. The joy is distilling those images through my heart to create art. My life has come in phases, like the moon, it waxes and wanes.
Thank you for joining me. I grew up in upstate New York in a small village along a curvy shoreline of the Erie Canal & Mohawk River forming the southern boundary of the Town of Clifton Park. The Vischer Ferry Nature & Historic Preserve was our playground. It embraces the land and water between Riverview Road and the Mohawk River. A natural area with an abundance of wetlands, floodplain, and amazing birds and wildlife. My parents made a conscious and bold decision to move us out of the suburbs to a historic farmhouse built in 1847 with 50 acres of land and wild spaces. Exploring the woods, waters, working hard, and getting lost was a regular occurrence.
My first memorable painting was a watercolor of an autumn leaf in 2nd grade. My parents were very supportive of my artwork. At an early age, they enrolled me in oil painting classes with a local artist. In high school, at a parent teacher conference I have a vivid memory of my art teacher in conversation with my parents. He encouraged and shared how a career in art is possible. He said; “Art is everywhere, she can work in any business and her creativity will shine.” I can still see my Dad’s face when he understood that concept and believed. I was fortunate to align with deeply talented professors in art school and received a BFA in Painting from Daemen University in Amherst, NY in 1986.
Painting, thinking about a painting, and creating is part of my every day.
For most of my years I found a way to keep art and creativity in my life. I worked in a gallery in Rochester, NY, did graphic design and for years worked in corporate marketing. In 2001, I became a massage therapist. For the next 17 years my art was creating a successful wellness business in Lowville, NY. OPEN SKY Healing Arts Center was my heart and soul. I was fortunate to sell that business and find my next adventure. I have an amazing and supportive husband Charlie. I currently work for hospice and have an art studio in Essex Junction, Vermont.
Life isn’t about finding yourself.
It is about creating yourself. So live the life you imagined.
- Henry David Thoreau
I have returned to my artistic roots, exploring and getting lost in the woods, ocean views, and landscapes of this one beautiful life. I see and feel paintings everywhere. Every image, natural light, sky, cloud, texture, or conversation creates a painting in my mind. The joy is distilling those images through my heart to create art. My life has come in phases, like the moon, it waxes and wanes. One of my dear sisters said to me, “Kath you are buoyant. You will always float to the top of any challenge or circumstance.” I am reminded daily how fleeting this one life is for us all. The years go by in a blink. Making art, living simply and finding truth in my days is my passion. Surely, there is no better inspiration than that.